

Here are 12 Reasons Why You Should Take Care of Your Hard-Working Feet Nearly 1/4 of all the bones in your body are in your feet. Your feet are the home to more than 7,000 nerve endings. Your feet contain more than 25,000 sweat glands. Together, your 2 feet can produce half a pint of perspiration each day. The average person walks more than 100,000 miles in a lifetime. 80% of American adults report foot problems. Just 20% of people think about their foot health regularly. Your feet take a combined load of more than 200 tons each day. Each...

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Here's the Buzz on an Ancient African Secret for Beautiful Skin

Hello Friends — Did you know that Africa is the original home of the honeybee. The skin-nourishing properties of honey have been known to cultures across that continent and throughout the world for thousands of years. Rain's Bee Essential Remedy range harnesses the active properties of honey and beeswax. Honey is packed with Vitamin B and C as well as amino acids and the essential minerals calcium, copper, magnesium and iron. It has powerful free radical scavenging properties due to phenolic and non-phenolic antioxidants. Our Bee Essential range promotes healthy skin, attracts moisture, soothes, softens and heals. Beeswax forms the...

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